

Web Development

The first thing one needs to develop any kind of webpage from scratch is some fundamental knowledge onloadedmetadata of code, in this case, HTML. There are a multitude of ways one can learn HTML today, including but not limited to

The next thing you will need its a text editor. Now I personally use Atom, but there are many others out there like Sublime and Visual Studio. The editors will all mostly function the same, so its up to your preference in whichever one you pick.

Starting a new project in Atom on Mac.

Step 1:Find and lauch Atom.
I just normally use spotlight to find it.

Step 2: Use CMD + N to create a new file in the app.
Creating a new file is relatively straight forward on MacOS.

Step 3: Use CMD + Shift + S to rename the file.
It is important to rename the file and choose where you keep the file for future reference. At the same time, choose the appropriate extension to save the file as, in this case, files will either be saved with .html/.htm, or .css.

Once that is all done, you're ready to begin coding!

HTML Cheat Sheet

Below is a list of commonly used tags used when coding in HTML

<p> Used to type out chunks of words in a small text size
<H(1-6)> The heading tag is used to make headings at different levels
<br> Line break tag will show a blank line.
<a href"Link here"> creates and display file linked.
<table> creates a new table. Use other tags like <tr> to make a new row, <td> to start a new cell and enter data.